Mariachi Performs Their Last Concert of The Year

By : Oscar Almendariz, Staff Writer

On May 3rd and 4th, the Primer Orgullo Mariachi performed in the Ciro Trevino Performing Arts Center.The group had practiced  and prepared for what was their last concert of the year.

“This year we had a lot of our mariachi performers sing a song of their own. We strived to have fun and to do the best in our performance as well as we could,” Mariachi Director, Gustavo Garay, said.

The concert was considered a success by many of the performers and thought of as an unforgettable night.

“The moment I picked up the mic the audience made me feel more secure about my singing.” sophomore Noe Angeles, said.

The group has had a lot of success from the amount of work they put in and they have a lot to credit.

“I would say that the reason why we played the way we did was a result of the amount of time and practice we put in both as a group and each of us individually,” sophomore Annette Pena, said.