Advanced Placement Test Scores No Longer Apply To Some Colleges


Once a year, many high school students all across America take an Advanced Placement (AP) test. An AP test challenges students of their knowledge of a specific subject such as English, Physics, Calculus, etc. If the student scores a three or higher (on a scale of 1-5) he/she will receive college credit for that specific course. However, according to a story on CNBC, that’s no longer true in regards to certain college courses taken in high school. It isn’t right for colleges to require students to retake a course that they’ve already received credit for in high school.

If the student passes his/her exam, College Board (the website used to view AP test scores) will recognize the credit the student received.      However, once the student begins applying to colleges, there are some universities that will not accept the credit and require the student to retake the course while enrolled in college.

According to CNBC, more than 86% of colleges restrict AP credit in some type of way. Many colleges will only accept a score of a four or five while some colleges no longer accept AP credit courses taken in high school altogether.

According to MSN, Advance Placement test are gaining popularity that colleges do not approve of, but now at least 20 public universities are required to give credit for strong scores.

20 is not enough. All universities should be accepting the course credit if the AP test was passed. Students have already mastered the course, repeating the class would be redundant and a waste of the students time.

The best thing for a concerned student or parent to do is research the desired college and understand the policy on the AP regulations of credit.