Golf team places at tourney

By : Itzel Fernandez, Writer

The Golf team placed at their first practice tournament earlier this month at Tierra Del Sol.

“The matches were all practices that have an impact on our scoring average at the end of the year,” sophomore Brandon Sandoval said. 

According to junior Ethan Lewis, these practice matches help set the pace to compete at Regionals.

“Our current matches are all over the Valley,” Lewis said. “They are not just our district. If we keep up at this pace, we are sure to go to Regionals.” 

Both the coach and players are looking forward to competing at Regionals.

“We have a lot of opportunities,” Coach Garza said. ” As a team over the years, we have progressed to a position where both boys and girls can make it to Regionals. We are looking forward to that,” Garza said.